OCC Scheduling and Dispatch Solution_ Solution Designer_Sr

Toronto, ON • Contract • January 27, 2025 • 76328

Job Title: OCC Scheduling and Dispatch Solution_ Solution Designer_Sr
Job ID: 76328
Location: Toronto, Ontario

In Ontario, death investigation services are provided by the Office of Chief Coroner in the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Ontarios death investigation system currently relies on the capabilities, knowledge, and experience of a workforce of over 500 professionals including coroners, pathologists and specialists. Death investigation initiation requests are fielded by OCC/OFPS dispatchers. They assign death investigators and body transportation providers to an investigation after a call is received notifying of a death that may require investigation. The dispatchers determine which death investigator should be dispatched based on a shift schedule aligned to the address of the death scene and circumstances surrounding the death.
There is a business need for coroners to submit their on-call availabilities that can be leveraged by dispatchers for future service requests (dispatching coroners to scene of death). A system is proposed to be developed using salesforce field service modules where coroners can enter their availabilities/shifts, and will also provide functionality to swap/cancel their shifts as required. These shifts will also be used to create a master schedule in the system. Dispatchers will no longer need to manually determine who to assign to an investigation. System will automatically assign resources to death investigation in a given region based on business rules.

What you must have:

  • SalesForce Field Service experience

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